Redondo Beach Is NOT For Sale – Part 2

VOTE NO on RECALL and NO On Measure E –  By October 19th!

Ballots for the SPECIAL ELECTION are being turned in and Redondo needs your vote now!

We are making this public service message as both the Recall and Measure E will cost Redondo Beach millions in lost revenue and give a monopoly to an outside special interest Pot Guy from Long Beach.

All residents must vote to stop this latest outside special interest take over! A NO RECALL VOTE will keep our city council focused on residents and our concerns, not big moneyed outside special interests. We also need to keep our existing city cannabis ordinance intact to regulate sales in Redondo, and not give away revenue we need for Fire and Police services.

Reasons to VOTE NO On Recall

The recall election is the result of the Long Beach Pot Guy trying to get a monopoly in the city and he has already spent nearly $500,000 to flip a council seat. See link here Redondo Is Not For Sale

Ask yourself the following questions about the recall:

  • Why has the puppet candidate of the pot guy falsely claimed our Fire Fighter First Responders and Police support the recall when they don’t (Video Link – Firefighters Supporting Obagi)
  • Why has the Long beach Pot Guy pumped in nearly $500,000 for a city council seat and in exchange for what?
  • Why does his chosen recall candidate refuse to take a position on Measure E?
  • Why hasn’t the recall candidate ever been to any meetings about the proposed Metro Green Line Extension?
  • Why haven’t they ever spoken in public at a council meeting about anything?
  • What is their platform besides slandering the mayor, hating everyone, and alleging our city is racist, misogynistic, and sexist?

We can do betterWe MUST stop the big moneyed guy from Long Beach from purchasing a city council seat and overturning our elections.  We are Redondo Beach.  We are NOT for sale.  Opening this door sets a dangerous precedent that will attract more of the same.

Reasons to VOTE NO On Measure E
  • The city already has an ordinance in effect.
  • Keeps local control and will not allow our laws to be dictated by the corporate interests of a single cannabis retailer, Catalyst Cannabis, Measure E’s sponsor.
  • Allows the city to keep the potential $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 annual Redondo Beach revenue.
  • Eliminates conflicts with our current municipal code that expose our city to expensive lawsuits.
  • Stops unfair competition and monopoly.
  • Prevents multiple retailers in your neighborhood.
  • Ensures better supervision and regulation.
  • Maintains equal opportunity permit process for any legitimate retailer rather than favoring one company.
  • It’s Easy to Vote just turn it into one of the ballot drop boxes around the city. It only takes a moment to cast your vote so do it today!
 Ballot Drop Boxes can be found at the following locations 
  • Redondo Beach Main Library, 303 No. Pacific Coast Highway (adjacent to library entrance)
  • Redondo Beach North Branch Library, 2000 Artesia Blvd. (adjacent to entrance off parking lot)
  • Riviera Triangle, on the corner of S. Elena Avenue and Avenida del Norte

*On Election Day, OCTOBER 19th Ballot Drop Boxes will be locked promptly at 8:00 p.m.


Need More Information

Background information from the ROW Website: Redondo Is Not For Sale

No on Measure E Website  NO on E Website

Want to know more about the Long Beach Pot Guy? Check out the links below.

“Warning, the following video includes profanity and drug use”

Meet Catalyst Owner Elliot Lewis

Toxic pot guy invading Redondo

Lewis Talking About Money 

Follow the money

Follow he Money Part 2 
Follow The Money 2


We are getting closer to our goal but ROW still needs your help to defend Redondo Beach residents from unscrupulous developers, outside special interests, and crony corruption, and to help build the future you voted for at the ballot box, so please donate Here