Rescue Our WaterFront

Revitalize not SUPERSIZE.

Compromised Coun-shill-members Crusade Coastal Condos, Commuter-Car Cut-through,Clandestine Communications, Community Conflict, Cashflow Communistikov’s Comrades!

Compromised Coun-shill-members Crusade Coastal Condos, Commuter-Car Cut-through,Clandestine Communications, Community Conflict, Cashflow Communistikov’s Comrades!

Our two overdevelopment-hungry Redondo Beach City Council Members are attempting to divide the city while pushing thousands of condos again at the AES Redondo Power Plant site. This time it’s under the guise of compliance with ridiculous housing bills coming out of Sacramento meant to force high-density housing across the state. In reality the AES […]

Vote Today, Before It’s Too Late!

Vote Today, Before It’s Too Late!

Stop the Santa Monica-fication of Redondo Beach Re-elect Mayor Bill Brand, Re-elect Nils Nehrenheim and Todd Loewenstein, Elect Zein Obagi for District4 City Council, and Harden Sooper for City Attorney You must like Redondo Beach: you choose to live here.  Outside developers like our city too, but they want to change our zoning to build […]