Rescue Our WaterFront

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How the CenterCal Lawsuit was Created

How the CenterCal Lawsuit was Created

The angry crony spin masters are attempting to rewrite history – again! This time it’s about the 5-year-old lawsuit stopping King Harbor revitalization and costing the city, by most estimates approximately $20 Million. The short version is that, about a month prior to the March 2017 general election, the Redondo Beach City Council signed an […]

CenterCal Properties Sued Again!

CenterCal Properties Sued Again!

CenterCal Sued Again! Redondo Beach residents know CenterCal doesn’t pay their bills, their contractual obligations, their lawsuit judgments and has cost us millions. But do other cities? Buyer beware! In another stunning display of flagrant “If It Doesn’t Go Our Way, We’ll Refuse To Pay”. CenterCal has apparently turned on yet another of their “Paid […]